My Why?

A very smart person, when I was thinking of starting my business, told me to think about my why. “Figure out your why and let that be the driving force behind what you do.” Best. Advice. Ever. 

So here you go, in the order of my rambling brain. Maybe, you will get some insight to who I am. 

My mom. Her life was unhealthy in many ways, some because of her life choices, others because of what other people put her through. Both her physical and mental health were complex. But she was still my mom. For the 20 years leading up to her death, I watched medical providers treat her as less than. Nurses who couldn’t get an IV on her assumed because of her admitted history of drug use, it was because she “shot up” in the past. She never had. Doctors who never saw past the history to see a person and family desperate for help and answers. She was just another “one of those,” while the CEO’s wife next door received treatment that looked much different. It’s true, it happens. People forget that the person in front of them is someone that someone else loves. I’m here for my mom and others like her.

Access to treatment. Not the kind of access needed because there are not providers available but the kind that comes to you when coming to you is in your best interest. Who wants to leave your home when not feeling well? Not me. Home visits (when feasible and medically appropriate). 

A relationship. I want to know all I possibly can and all you are willing to share so that your medical care goes beyond a sick visit or writing you a prescription. I want to know your family dynamics, outside activities, family struggles, along with your medical history. You are a whole
person who deserves care that recognizes that your health goes beyond your heart pumping efficiently and extends to the things in life that make your heart pump. Death in the family? Sure, I can medicate you (and sometimes this is very necessary) but on some level, you also have to walk through the motions and emotions
of grief. I want to have these conversations. I want to be real, upfront and in your face with you so we can work together as a team to help you be the best you possible!

Flexibility. Like anyone else, I like to decide what my day is going to look like. I’ve never been a 9-5 kind of girl so having my own business affords me the flexibility I like. It also allows me to be flexible to your needs. Can’t take off to get to the doctor? That’s ok, I can come before you go to the office or after you get off. Medical care doesn’t have to be an added stress when it’s able to fit into your life and routine. 

My kids and family. Anything I can do to make their lives easier, I’m on it. Anything I can do to make mine and Carson’s life easier providing for them, I’m on it. Even more, I want them to see that when you combine passion with hard work, you can do anything! I want them to see my love for people and learn the importance of caring for one another, even when the reward seems minimal or unseen by others. I want them to learn to see people where they are and not from a list of preconceived notions. 

Legacy. We all want one, right? I want to leave one my family will be proud of. I also hope it’s one they will carry on. If not through the Watts Wellness business, then at least through the vision of my why….to just show love and kindness to everyone and try to see life through another’s lens. 

To be continued….maybe.  

I also want to be clear that my goal is to not take away from any other providers and/or their services but to simply be another option. We have amazing providers locally, many of whom I trust with my care and know they care greatly for their patients.  


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