Happy New Year

 As we begin the New Year, I wanted to personally thank each of you who have contributed to a successful start to Watts Wellness Worth Medical. I had a specific prayer when I began this journey and so many have proven that my prayer limited my potential and I need to aim so much higher. I am looking forward to a 2022 where I become an even better provider for you! 

Already this year seems to have an ever-increasing level of uncertainty and fear that is smacking us in the face. Once again numbers are rising in Covid cases, and it seems I am constantly being told of another friend and/or loved one that has a positive test. I lost my mom in November of 2021 to Covid and have worked hard to start my 2022 with less anger and sadness related to her loss and this virus. I wanted to start my 2022 with a renewed peace; one that did not feel like there was a constant elephant on my chest that stomped its giant elephant foot a little harder at the mention of Covid. I've been ready to gain control of my fight or flight response to this virus and feel confident that I would suffer no more losses from it. 

Here's to vulnerability- I'm not there yet. I thought I was. I told myself I was. I planned to wake up this morning and have an improved outlook. I planned to not run from conversations surrounding the topic and to welcome friendly debates and opinion swaps. Afterall, I have always loved my ability to respect all angles, all opinions and perspectives. I'm simply not to that point, despite my greatest efforts. While on vacation, I learned my dad is positive and all of my greatest intentions were knocked back down and fear crept in. 

Do you share this fear? I recognize that there are hundreds of varying opinions on all things related to this subject and I am not interested in debating such. What I AM interested in, is ensuring that those of you who may be feeling the same fear I do, know that I SEE you. I never want to admit I allow fear to control me but if I am being honest, I can't deny that there are days where it completely consumes me. I can't deny that, because of my experience with my mom, I am afraid of losing my dad to it also. If you have lost someone you love, I stand with you and understand that you may be experiencing some of this fear too. Is this you? I am here to share the experience with you and will be praying that we both grow through this and find an internal peace where fear does not reside. 

I came up with the name Watts Wellness Worth because of my belief that we don't have to live in fear over our wellness. We don't have to be dependent solely on medicine and medical interventions to ensure our health. Covid, the flu, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes...for so many, there are things we can do to prevent and/or minimize our risk. So, I must ask, what is your health/wellness worth to you? 

Is it worth giving up the McDonald's burger? The alcohol? 

Is it worth getting off the couch and going for a walk? 

Is it worth going to bed early and ensuring you get an adequate amount of sleep? 

Is it worth eating foods that fuel our bodies and assist our immune system to fight off viruses and disease? 

I'm always learning; always seeking to know something more today that I didn't know yesterday so that I can help you become your best you! Watts Wellness is more than IV fluids, vitamin injections and acute care visits. We want to be your partner in seeking a life of health and wellness that goes beyond the fears that today's events bring to our world. So, as we begin 2022, my question to you is, Watts (YOUR) Wellness Worth in 2022? I'd love to hear your thoughts...

- Brandi Watts, APRN. 


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